Hello my name is Dee Boatright I have the great honor of being over the Hospitality committee at RCC. Every Sunday morning we have coffee, orange juice, and some kind of breakfast food for us to enjoy. This is a time we can get to know one another before the service begins. Here are a few areas in the Hospitality ministry where you can serve:
- Sign up on the "Calendar" to bring breakfast food on Sunday mornings.
- Set up or clean up on Sunday
- Grievance team
- Greeters
Most importantly, make sure you introduce yourself to someone you don't know.
Hello! Welcome! Good Morning! Good to see you!
These are my "lines" that I like to say over and over. I am Vickie Woods and I love the area in which I am blessed to serve at RCC.
Being a GREETER at RCC is an excellent way to serve our Lord and also the people that worship with us. It is such a pleasure to see the faces that come through our doors from the many walks of life that we are able to minister to.
Of course a first impression is of great importance, so we strive to offer a smile, kind word and offer direction to those who choose to worship at RCC. We offer assistance with Nursery placement, Children's location, restrooms, seating and point out the wonderful Hospitality area for good food and fellowship.
As our church grows in number and size we want to make sure that everyone feels important and welcome as they enter as we know they will be blessed as they worship.
We would love to have you share in this area of ministry, so step up and say HELLO!!!!
Food Pantry
My name is John Woods and I am happy to serve RCC in the Food Pantry Ministry. I have many years’ experience in the Retail Grocery business and I'm able to rely on that knowledge to keep the pantry organized and maintained.
We at RCC are happy to assist those in need. The food pantry is an important way that RCC can offer assistance for physical needs as well as the Spiritual needs of our community.
Through the generosity of those that give, we are able to keep a stock of nonperishable food items and toiletries for individuals and /or families. When the need arises, we are able to provide enough food items for several complete meals for any size family.
We will ALWAYS, gladly accept nonperishable food items, toiletries, detergents, cleaning supplies, paper goods and re-usable grocery bags. If you have items to donate, please bring them and place in the grocery cart you will find in our lobby.
If you know of an individual or family in need, please let me or one of our Pastors know.
Thank you for providing blessings for those in need and, God Bless us Everyone!!!!